Friday, August 15, 2008

Qoute of the Day

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

-Mahathma Gandhi

Thursday, August 14, 2008


There are things in this world which is priceless..., whereby you could never put a price tag to it.., like...........LOVE


is priceless but it is not free of charge..

it needs lots of trust

tonnes of devotion

pounds of understanding

a pinch of jealousy

a handful of admiration

millions of sacrifices

grains of argument

pecks of humour

and most of all

hours and hours to show that you care

This ... i would not really call it as a poem, its merely me trying to arrange my thoughts in a flamboyant manner, well .. what else to expect when you are in your early twenties. Please don't be fooled... that was years back when i was in college.

Qoute of the Day

People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?
Nhat Hanh

Monday, August 4, 2008

Not ready for school

I still remember when my younger son was born, my elder son was two and it was too much too handle both of them. So we thought it would be a good time to send the big guy to a day care for just a few hours. It was his first day to go to a daycare. Both of us woke up early and i got him all ready for the school. I were feeling both excited and nervous. We both reached the school and i took him inside... he seemed to be very anxious of his new surrounding. He went to his class, the teacher told me i could go and wait outside now. i watched him thru the observation window. He was not crying, nor laughing... he was just standing there all by himself with a very blank expression.....

My little boy... that sweet little thing..standing there

where am i mama....? why am i here today?
who are these new people around me?
can i trust them?
did i do something wrong? why did amma send me here?

i am not sure if my son were thinking that, but these was going thru my mind...
tears rolling down my cheeks, i walked out to the parking area... by then i could not control myself....., i burst out and crying like a small girl who is lost in a carnival. With a very heavy heart and tears in my eyes i started the car.... it seems the longest journey ever ..., to my husband's office..., he rushed down and got in the car.... we talked and then we both drove to my little sons school. I went straight in to see my son sitting at a corner, i told him.... Amma is here to take you back home..., i gave him a very very big hug and we both hold hands and walked out happily with a big smile on our face like two kids out of the candy store. My husband did the rest at school.... MOM IS NOT READY FOR SCHOOL.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I have wanted to write a blog for a long time, but as usual I have been hesitating and procastinating. Today, finally i have sat down to write. Everything is just perfect, all my daily chores is over, my two little monsters has set off to bed, my husband is busy setting up his weekend movie and here i am all free to spend some time just for me... and only me. here i am...all free to write....but what am i to write, so thats the BIG question now. Well, i know its somewhere there and it will come soon.... so see you soon